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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Don't be a hater, be a congratulater!

Whew! That last blog was a doozie huh? I know a lot of you have questions and I will give the answers at the end.  I want to start on a good note this Saturday morning. 

Each subject I touch on today is how to not be a hater, rather a congratulater. I'm sure you will see the theme throughout ;)

I run at Memorial Park here in Houston, TX, I TRY every Saturday/Sunday...sometimes I make time for some fun ;) I try to make exercising fun.  I don't care what these strangers think of me, they are just strangers.  So YES I sing out loud, YES I attempt to dance and fist pump while I'm running AND HELL YES I SMILE AT EVERYONE! Why not?! What's worse going along minding your own bidness or brightening someone else's day with a quick hello followed by a smile?

I always start running near the golf course, because when I get to the end, for some reason it seems shorter to me.  Whatever works right? Anyway, so I'm turning the corner of my first mile, and I see a girl running toward me wearing my damn outfit! Which is probably not hard to do, considering I was wearing a red shirt and black capris.  So I ran up to her and I was like, "Hey I like your outfit!" She laughed and said,"Hey, I like yours too!" Ha! What a way to begin a run!
So here I am truckin' it listening to my jams, which I will recommend some workout songs later.  As I'm running, I see a lady in silver HEELS (yes walking on gravel) in a bathing suit cover up dress, twerkin' it like NOBODY's bidness! At first I was like, daaaaaanng guhl, look at you so desperate to try and hook on the runnin' trail. Then I thought about it and I was like ya know what? Try that again, so I thought to myself DANG GUHL, you go on and get you some cardio in before the pool and so I also said that aloud to her.  She smiled and the guy she was walking with laughed.

Needless to say, I do a few things along those lines every time I am at the park.  Why not make your exercise time fun?

K, peeps.  I try to keep my workouts interesting.  That being said here are 2 songs that always get me movin' a little faster..
First... Kelly Rowland & David Guetta "When Love Takes Over"...just click the link!

Second, Marky Mark's "Good Vibrations"...what! You know you jam this shit.  Its good! Although, homeboy does spell druggie...D R U G G I E Y, but that's okay Marky Mark, you don't need to be able to spell to stay sober and be all sassy in them Calvin Klein ads!  He obviously couldn't spell in "Fear" either...FOREVA!  I think this video will embed...if not I am posting the youtube link below it.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Aaaahhhh YYEAAAH...look at that FUNKY BUNCH! bahahah! Anyway, while I'm on the music tip...
Where the crap is Prince? He is a such a great artist, if he isn't making music he should at least be a music trainer.  With Prince on my mind I will leave one more video, a classic.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Where the crap is....~
Speaking of where the crap is...where the crap is Calista Flockheart? I may have just butchered her name, but you get the point.  I was reminded of her today whilst I got sucked into watching HBO's all too classic "Life Stories, Families in Crisis".  She was in the episode about the anorexic/bulimic girl, which they never said what happened to her, she just ran into the woods and faded into the distance. Yes, I know, EDIE use the clues and common sense. BUT it was late 80's early 90's and cheesy. I am not making light of a serious disorder, but more so the cinematography.  Another good one was Ben Affleck and his addiction to steroids. Remember he pushed or punched Evie, from that wizard or witch show...ooohh what was it called I watched it all the time! OUT OF THIS WORLD! That's what it was, and she was half alien not witch. Whatever...let me get back to the topic at hand...WHERE IS CALISTA FLOCKHEART? Did she ever marry Harrison Ford?

Pop Culture~
I am going to ride on the coattails of Horrible Bosses to talk about one insane boss who has gotten to me soo much I STILL to this day bitch about her. Amazing huh? First, I want to see that movie because I have always loved Jason Bateman, yes, even since the Hogan Family (google it) days. WHICH I might add Mrs. Pool's real name is Edie McClurg. You are surrounded by Edie's you just don't know it! Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing that movie.

Horrible Bosses brings me to my old boss. I have let her get the best of me.  MARK my words.  This will be the last time I mention her.  I will not continue to let her get to me by speaking of her anymore.  OKAY. So I worked for this woman who was not intelligent, who was the devil in disguise, who claimed to try and make herself a better person every day, who also was a flat assed, saucer eyed troll who lives on the other side of the bridge from the 3 billy goats gruff. I will spare you the stories because this blog would be angry and uber LOOONNGGG, and my point is to leave with feelings of relief and good fluffy clouds and care bear happiness. Here WE goooo...

"I hate to be the barrel of bad news"  the correct way: "the bearer of bad news"
"play-do"                                            the correct way: "play-doh"
"Are we all in agreeance?"                 the correct way: "agreement"
"Irregardless"                                     the correct way: "regardless" irregardless, is pretty much a double negative, kinda like "I don't not like to run."
"Edie I thought it was very gracious of me to give you time off when your father passed"
*this was after I confronted her and told her she sought out to find things I did wrong.
"why would you need to rent your car in Dallas?"
*this was after someone hit me and I was using sarcasm to say I had to drive to the far end of North Austin to pick up the rental car.
"wait can you really get cancer from thinking too hard?"
*first this makes me wanna say, "Its not a tumor" and this was after someone jokingly said, "Well don't think too hard, you'll get cancer."
"I think I figured out how the universe evens out.  See I saw a lady driving the Mercedes I wanted, but then I heard her talking about how depressed she was because her mother was sick. So yes she is rich in one way but she is suffering in another. I have a great life but not the car I want.  It evens out."

HOOOOO KAY! That is the last time I speak of this wretched woman.  I am excited to see Horrible Bosses and cannot wait to get a GOOD laugh out of it!

To answer some of your questions...
I was diagnosed with heart disease through an ear infection.  My balance was off, I was hot and sweaty for no reason, and pale. I was in between insurances, as I just started a new job, the first Dr. I saw said when you get insurance go to a cardiologist. I had to get a referral from my general practitioner before I did that once I got my insurance.  I went through a bunch of Dr.'s (6) who made me believe I was crazy and seeing my heart beat in my carotid next to my collar bone is just something I had to live with.  I knew I wasn't crazy. So I lied and got a referral to a cardiologist with some push from my father. I went and my blood pressure was 188/110, STROKE territory! So I say this, always get more than one opinion. You know your body and you know when something is wrong. I don't suggest forging a referral as I did, but break them Dr.'s down. Do the research!

In closing, if you see someone that you begin make a judgement about, think about it, turn it around and get a smile out of it! After all, you need to focus and take care of YOU first!

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